I CAN provides easy to access early support for people struggling with their mental health and wellbeing, reducing the need for referral to specialist NHS services.
Website: www.bcuhb.nhs.wales/i-can
Staying Safe
The Staying Safe website is a potentially life-saving resource, offering compassion, kindness and easy ways to help keep people safer from thoughts of harm and suicide, seek support and discover hope of recovery through powerful videos from people with personal experience.
Website: www.stayingsafe.net
Talking Therapies Partnership
Parabl Talking Therapies provides short-term therapeutic interventions for individuals facing common mental health difficulties or challenging life events which may be impacting on their emotional wellbeing.
Telephone: 0300 777 2257
Website: www.parabl.org.uk
Email: ask@parabl.org
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Telephone: 116 123
Website: www.samaritans.org
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Telephone: 0300 123 3393
Website: www.mind.org.uk
RCS – Wellbeing for Work
RCS provide rapid access to Physical and Psychological Therapies for people in work to keep them in work or return them to work.
Referral can be self-referral or GP referral.
Website: Home - RCS Wales (rcs-wales.co.uk)
Phone: 01745 336442
BCUHB Mental Health Hub
The BCUHB mental health and wellbeing hub contains useful information and resources to help you access the range of support that you may need.
Website: bcuhb.nhs.wales/health-advice/mental-health-hub
SilverCloud - Making Space For Healthy Minds
SilverCloud Wales is a supported self-help service. It is suitable for:
- People aged 16+ with mild to moderate levels of anxiety, depression or stress AND
- Who are registered with a GP in Wales or live in Wales AND
- Who are not receiving secondary or tertiary mental health services (e.g. under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist).
Website: https://nhswales.silvercloudhealth.com/signup/