Your NHS Wales Experience Survey 2024

The experience that you have of care is important to us. This might be an appointment with your doctor or health visitor, a hospital stay, an outpatient visit or something else. We would be grateful if you could complete this survey so that we can understand this better.

The questions are based on the things that patients have said matter most. We will ask you questions about your latest experience of healthcare. Please help us by giving your honest opinion.

The questions mostly have 4 options and you are asked to tick the answer that you feel best describes how you feel.

Some of the questions have ‘not applicable‘. Please choose this if the question is not relevant to your experience.

We do not need to know your personal details but have asked some general questions at the end about who you are. This is so we can make sure we are asking all groups of people about their experience.

If there is anything we have not asked you, please use the space at the end of this survey to tell us.

Your NHS Wales Experience Survey 2024
Thinking about your overall first impressions of the care you received
Thinking about the place where you received your care
Thinking about your understanding and involvement in care
Overall Experience
Thinking of your responses
Equality monitoring

We are committed to ensuring that everyone receives fair and equal respect.

Whatever your age, disability, ethnicity, faith, gender reassignment or sexual identity, you can expect to be treated with dignity. We can only achieve this with your help by providing the information below.

Data will be used for monitoring purposes only and held in strictest confidence.

Your identity will not be disclosed to anyone.

What is your ethnic group?

Please choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background

Mixed / multiple ethnic groups
Asian / Asian British
Other ethnic group

Thank you for completing this questionnaire

Privacy Protection

Information entered into survey forms is used only for the purposes of processing your survey information and is stored and accessed securely by designated staff.

Issues raised in comments may be discussed between relevant members of staff. The information is used for quality monitoring purposes, in line with the expectations of those submitting the feedback.

Any personal information transmitted via survey forms may be anonymised when this is required to ensure compliance with General Data Protection Regulation.

This information is not shared with any external third party organisations.

This information is retained for up to 28 days.

Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Should you have any concerns about sending your personal details using the web, please use one of the alternative methods offered by our organisation.

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